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Plan ahead this New Year's Eve

Posted on Friday 18 December 2020

Sydney New Year’s Eve celebrations will be different this year. Plan ahead by booking venues, or celebrate locally or at home instead. Whether you are planning a celebration at home or in your local community, remember to ensure the safety of your family and friends. Residents who are concerned that people may be breaching the NSW Government’s residential visitation and outdoor public gathering restrictions which can be found here may contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or in the case of an emergency dial 000. For details on other NYE changes this year, visit

Roads in and around the city will still be closed this New Year’s Eve and may affect how you or your guests travel to your property or other areas around the inner city and harbour. A little organisation beforehand can go a long way to help make your event fun, safe and memorable.

Please see below the road closures and special event clearways in Mosman. Please note public vantage points around Mosman and North Sydney will be closed this year. For the full details of road closures on New Year’s Eve, visit

Road Closures

5pm, 31 December 2020 – 2am, 1 January 2021

  • Athol Wharf Rd – Between Bradleys Head Rd and Taronga Zoo Wharf
  • Bradleys Head Rd – Between Whiting Beach Rd and Athol Wharf Rd

STA Buses excepted. Vehicles within road closure areas will be restricted from exiting prior to reopening

Special Event Clearways

3pm, 31 December 2020 – 2am, 1 January 2021

  • Athol Wharf Rd – Between Bradleys Head Rd and Taronga Zoo Wharf
  • Bradleys Head Rd – Between Whiting Beach Rd and Athol Wharf Rd
  • Whiting Beach Rd – Between Bradleys Head Rd and Prince Albert St – Northern side

3pm, 31 December 2020 – 3am, 1 January 2021

  • Spit Rd – Between Awaba St and Military Rd – Eastern side

6pm, 31 December 2020 – 3am, 1 January 2021

  • Military Rd – Between Belmont Rd and Raglan St – Eastern side
  • Military Rd – Between Prince Albert St and Belmont Rd – Western side
  • Military Rd – Between Spit Rd and Mandolong Rd – near pedestrian crossing
  • Spit Rd – Between Military Rd and Spit Bridge – Western side