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Community Consultative Committees

Community Consultative Committees provide opportunities for community members to actively contribute to conversations about local issues and services.

Each Committee has a charter, including its terms of reference, composition, membership criteria and general operating guidelines. Current Community Consultative Committees are listed below.

Members of the community are able to participate in one Community Consultative Committee at a time, with membership generally being advertised every two years.

Access and Mobility

This Committee has been established to provide advice and recommendations to Council in relation to issues of access and mobility, particularly as they relate to people with disabilities in Mosman.

In formulating its advice and/or recommendations, the Committee will consider:

  • The draft Community Strategic Plan for Mosman – MOSPLAN
  • Reports on Council’s performance against the Community Strategic Plan
  • Council projects, plans or policies exhibited for public comment, or otherwise relevant to the Committee’s deliberations
  • Matters referred to the Committee by Council
  • Any other items presented or submitted to the Committee by Council staff

Committee Meetings

Date Business Papers
6 March 2024
22 November 2023
27 September 2023
21 June 2023
22 February 2023
16 November 2022
31 August 2022
12 May 2022
14 Sep 2021
9 Mar 2021
8 Sep 2020
10 Mar 2020
12 Nov 2019
9 Jul 2019
19 Mar 2019
20 Nov 2018
14 Aug 2018
28 Feb 2018

Active Transport

This Committee has been established to provide advice and recommendations to Council to assist in reducing reliance on private vehicles and improve amenity for pedestrians and cyclists in Mosman.

In providing its advice and/or recommendations, the Committee will consider: 

  • Funding opportunities for active transport infrastructure which may be recommended to Council 
  • Initiatives which provide opportunities to enhance or develop regional networks 
  • The draft Community Strategic Plan for Mosman – MOSPLAN
  • Reports on Council’s performance against the Community Strategic Plan
  • Council projects, plans or policies exhibited for public comment, or otherwise relevant to the Committee’s deliberations
  • Matters referred to the Committee by Council 
  • Any other items presented or submitted to the Committee by Council Staff.

Committee Meetings

Date Business Papers
8 May 2024
7 February 2024
1 November 2023
26 July 2023
15 March 2023
9 November 2022
8 June 2022
13 Aug 2021
30 Apr 2021
3 Feb 2021
2 Dec 2020
5 Feb 2020
9 Dec 2019
16 Oct 2019
14 Aug 2019
26 Jun 2019
16 Apr 2019
27 Feb 2019
5 Dec 2018
20 Mar 2018

Arts and Culture

This Committee has been established to provide advice and recommendations to Council in relation arts and culture, particularly as they relate to the Mosman Art Gallery and other activities, facilities and initiatives that promote and celebrate the arts in Mosman.

In formulating its advice and/or recommendations, the Committee will consider:

  • The draft Community Strategic Plan for Mosman – MOSPLAN
  • Reports on Council’s performance against the Community Strategic Plan
  • Council projects, plans or policies exhibited for public comment, or otherwise relevant to the Committee’s deliberations
  • Matters referred to the Committee by Council
  • Any other items presented or submitted to the Committee by Council staff

Committee Meetings

Date Business Papers
9 May 2024
15 February 2024
12 October 2023
22 June 2023
16 March 2023
24 Nov 2022
11 Aug 2022
5 May 2022
18 Mar 2021
22 Oct 2020
20 Feb 2020
14 Nov 2019
21 Mar 2019
15 Nov 2018
21 Jun 2018
8 Mar 2018

Climate Action

This Committee has been established to provide advice and recommendations to Council to assist in Climate Action by Council and its Community. In providing its advice and/or recommendations, the Committee will consider:

  • Funding opportunities for Climate Action;
  • Constructive high level comment and assistance on finalisation of the Mosman Climate Strategy and Action Plan;
  • Facilitating and activating the community broadly and deeply around climate change and facilitating community capacity for action;
  • Reports on Council’s performance against the Community Strategic Plan;
  • The draft Community Strategic Plan for Mosman – MOSPLAN;
  • Council projects, plans or policies exhibited for public comment, or otherwise relevant to the Committee’s deliberations;
  • Matters referred to the Committee by Council; and
  • Any other items presented or submitted to the Committee by Council staff.

Committee Meetings

Date Business Papers
5 June 2024
5 March 2024
21 November 2023
2 May 2023
7 Feb 2023
7 Nov 2022
6 Sep 2022
5 July 2022
17 May 2022
5 Oct 2021
1 June 2021
20 Apr 2021
2 Feb 2021
10 Nov 2020

Visual Amenity

This Committee has been established to provide advice and recommendations to Council. Specifically, the Committee will oversee a project which will:

a) aim to revitalise and replace current signage and look to establish new signage to interpret places and stories of indigenous history and heritage in Mosman
b) be dependent on external financial assistance, and the Committee will apply for grant funding through Council from the Mosman Environmental Foundation
If the Committee is not successful in obtaining grant funding, the continuation of the Committee will be referred to Council for further review.

Committee Meetings

Date Business Papers
20 June 2023
26 July 2022
24 May 2022
11 April 2018
Last updated Monday 15 July 2024
Last updated Monday 15 July 2024