Library News
Mosman Art Walk at the Library
Barry O’Keefe Library have joined The Mosman Art Walk by displaying the works of over 20 Mosman High School art students.
Replacement of Library Air Conditioning System
We're replacing the air conditioning system at the library with works expected to finish by the end of February.
#CreationSpaceShowcase: snap, share & win!
We're launching a monthly Instagram competition inviting you to showcase your creations and go in the running to win a $50 prepaid gift card.
Ticket Giveaway - Sydney Crime Writers Festival
Win 2x tickets to one of three talks at the upcoming Sydney Crime Writers Festival 2024! Entries close 11.59pm Friday 30 August, good luck!
3-Day Limited Library Services
Barry O'Keefe Library is getting a makeover! From Monday 2–Wednesday 4 September, the upper level of the library will be restricted as new shelving is…
Author Evening with Brigitta Olubas & Susan Wyndham
Professor of English and author Brigitta Olubas and author and journalist Susan Wyndham will be speaking about their book, Hazzard and Harrower: the Letters.
Multicultural Bulk Loan Service
Did you know you can borrow books in over 40 languages? Ask about this free service at Barry O'Keefe Library today!
Mosman Youth Awards in Literature (MYAL)
Calling young writers! Entries are now open for the 2024 Mosman Youth Awards in Literature.
Linga Longa at Emoh Ruo: What’s in a Name?
Before the use of numbers residences were identified by a name. Want to hear the story behind house names?
State Library of NSW Community Survey
The State Library of NSW is seeking feedback from regular users, infrequent users and non-users (aka everyone!) as they work towards making their collections,…
Your Feedback is Important to Us
Do you or your children use the Creation Space or attend our Storytime sessions? Let us know what you think by completing our short survey(s).
Shelf Life: a self-publishing workshop
Family or local history, memoir or biography, novel, or cookbook?
Ready to publish? Eager to have your work on the bookshelves?