Social Planning
Social planning objectives are embedded in Council’s Community Strategic Plan, MOSPLAN, and Disability Inclusion Action Plan and social research, consultation and findings inform Council’s approach to ensuring the effective provision of services and programs for children, youth, older people, and the community as a whole.
As part of social planning research, extensive review is undertaken of census data available in Mosman’s population profile and forecast.
In addition to social planning analyses undertaken at a local or regional level for these specific target groups, generalist social planning documents are also produced on relevant social issues.
Creating a Better Mosman for Over 55s: Mosman Positive Ageing Framework
Following extensive community consultation and research, a positive ageing framework was developed in April 2021 to assist Council to identify and act on the areas we need to improve as a community to enable older people to continue to lead full and rich lives. The Framework incorporates Council’s vision and principles on ageing; a demographic and health profile, a brief summary of the policy and planning context, consultation findings; and suggested actions.
Mapping Mosman’s Community Services and Programs
A social planning analysis was undertaken in late 2017 and provides strategic advice based on demographic data, identification of existing local community services, programs and facilities, and results of the most recent consultation and planning undertaken by Council and State and Commonwealth and non-government agencies.