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Positive Covenants and Restrictions

Certain conditions of development consent granted by Council as the prescribed authority may require that a Positive Covenant or a Restriction on the Use of Land be registered on the title of the property being developed under the Conveyancing Act 1919.

Positive Covenants are mostly related to a condition of development consent requiring the installation of an on-site detention (OSD) system, rainwater reuse tank or water quality control system. The creation of a Positive Covenant on the title of the land is required to ensure that future owners are made aware of their responsibilities with respect to the OSD system, rainwater reuse tank or water quality control system, including the requirement that the owners maintain and keep in working order the OSD system, rainwater reuse tank or water quality control system.

Restrictions on the Use of Land (Restrictions) are mostly related to a condition of development consent requiring owners to not remove or modify any retaining wall or other structures which give structural support to the Council’s road adjacent the property being developed.

Positive Covenants and Restrictions can be required for other reasons and conditions of development consent and if this is the case you will be given further instructions. 

The preparation and registration process

An applicant may engage a solicitor or conveyancer to prepare the document, arrange for execution by all parties, and register it with NSW Land Registry Services (LRS). Should an applicant choose not to do this and take carriage of the matter themself, the procedure detailed below offers guidance for applicants to follow. This guidance does not replace independent legal advice or assistance applicants should seek in land title dealing matters concerning their property.

A Positive Covenant document comprises:

  • LRS Form 13PC (Positive Covenant); and 
  • Annexure A containing the terms of the Positive Covenant specified in the condition of development consent  

A Restriction on the Use of Land document comprises:

  • LRS Form 13RPA (Restriction on the Use of Land by a Prescribed Authority); and 
  • Annexure A containing the terms of the Restriction specified in the condition of development consent  

In both instances, the applicant must fully complete the document and arrange for it to be signed by (and in the following order):

  • The Registered Proprietors of the property 
  • Mosman Council in front of a witness
  • The Mortgagee (if mortgaged)

Council does not require works-as-executed plans of the affected structures to accompany Positive Covenants and Restrictions.

When lodging the document with Mosman Council for execution, it must be accompanied by payment of Council’s adopted fee provided for in its current Schedule of Fees and Charges. Mortgagees may also charge a fee for reviewing and executing the document.

Council’s fee for the approval and execution of Positive Covenants and Restrictions is currently $220 GST exempt (2024/25).

Council will only accept electronic lodgement of documents in line with LRS requirements for electronic lodgement. Documents that are incomplete, incorrectly completed or formatted and/or signed or otherwise in a condition that may lead to rejection by LRS or not accompanied by payment of Council’s fee, will not be processed by Council. 

Once the document is approved and fully signed, the applicant must then arrange for a solicitor or a conveyancer to register the document electronically at LRS via the Property Exchange Australia (PEXA) workspace. Once successfully registered, LRS will issue a Dealing number as evidence of registration on the title of the property and the subject condition of development consent is complied with.  

Guide to preparing and registering Positive Covenants and Restrictions documents

Follow these steps to prepare Positive Covenants and Restrictions documents and register them with LRS.

Preparation and approval by Council:

  1. Access the condition of development consent requiring registration of the Positive Covenant or Restriction. Not required for Section 138 consents.
  2. Complete the LRS interactive form or downloaded form (13PC or 13RPA). Links are available in the Resources section on this page.
  3. Prepare an Annexure A detailing the terms of the Positive Covenant or Restriction using the template available in the Resources section on this page and ensure the terms match the wording specified in the condition of development consent. Annexure A will be provided for Section 138 consents.
  4. Combine the completed LRS Form and Annexure A as a single PDF file.
  5. Email the draft document (including details of the property address, development consent number, condition number, and applicant’s contact details) to for Council’s review and pre-approval. 
  6. Council will send a return email usually within one business day confirming if the draft document is acceptable or otherwise requires amendment.
  7. Upon receipt of pre-approval by Council, the Registered Proprietors should execute the document on page 1 (Form 13PC or 13RPA) in front of a witness and on page 2 (Annexure A) without a witness.

Lodging and registration:

  1. The applicant electronically lodges the approved document from point 7 above (signed by the Registered Proprietors) with Council for execution. This must be done by uploading it with this application. 
  2. Payment of Council's fee for approval and execution must be made at this time.
  3. The document will be executed by Council and returned electronically to the applicant usually within one business day. 
  4. If mortgaged, the applicant must then refer the document to the Mortgagee for approval and execution.
  5. The completed document must be referred by the applicant to a solicitor or conveyancer to arrange registration with LRS via the Property Exchange Australia (PEXA) workspace at the applicant’s expense. (Council is not registered with PEXA and will authorise the applicant’s solicitor or conveyancer to act on Council’s behalf in the PEXA workspace, signing a completed PEXA Client Authorisation Form submitted to Council to that effect. Should the applicant require Council’s presence in the PEXA workspace or require verification of ID for Council staff, Council’s lawyers will be instructed to act on Council’s behalf at the applicant’s expense). 
  6. Once registered on title by LRS, the condition of consent is complied with.
  7. The applicant should advise Council of the Dealing Number issued by LRS once registered via email to


Online lodgement form


Any enquiries should be directed to or phone Council on 9978 4010 during business hours.

Last updated Wednesday 12 February 2025
Last updated Wednesday 12 February 2025