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Work on Council Land

Special conditions apply to development or work that impacts on Council land and infrastructure. Most of this work is governed by the Roads Act 1993 and subsequent amendments. There are different types of work on Council property and different requirements depending on the nature and extent of the work proposed.

Vehicle Crossings

Any new construction, reconstruction or widening of a vehicle crossing requires the consent of Council. This consent will only be given if the crossing is constructed to access an approved parking space or spaces within the property boundary. The Application for Vehicular Crossing can be found here. Applicants are provided with information about Council‘s specifications for this type of work and inspections required during the course of construction. Applicants are free to use any appropriately qualified and experienced contractor to undertake the work, however, a security deposit must be paid.

An important matter to consider when constructing a vehicle crossing is the ability of the vehicle to successfully negotiate the crossing without scraping the undercarriage or front and/or rear bumpers. Vehicle crossings need to be carefully designed to deal with this problem. See Standard Details below. 

The cost of constructing the vehicle crossing must be met by the property owner. The property owner is also responsible to maintain the vehicle crossing in good serviceable condition at all times.

Road Openings

Often during the course of constructing or renovating a residence or undertaking repairs to existing services it is necessary to excavate in the road reserve. Repairs to broken sewer or water pipes are common examples of the type of work that would necessitate such excavation.

Before undertaking any excavation of a road, footpath, nature strip or unformed road reserve a road opening permit must be obtained from Council. The Application for Road Opening Permit can be found here. The permit must be kept on site at all times during the course of the work. Applicants will be supplied with a set of guidelines and conditions which must be adhered to during the course of the work.

Major Works

When work is proposed on Council property that is not covered under the vehicle crossing application or road opening permit as described above, the following form must be submitted:

This includes any proposed vehicle crossing that will require excavation or fill to substantially alter the ground levels of the nature strip in order to gain access to the property, construction of stairs for pedestrian access, elevated driveways and landscaping proposals.

These applications require a detailed submission of exactly what is proposed including scale drawings, specifications and review of environmental factors to allow proper assessment of the proposal. A similar process to that of a development application is undertaken with notification to surrounding neighbours of the proposal and submissions sought from interested parties. The matter is then reported to Council for determination.

Where such proposals relate to work inside the boundary to be constructed concurrently, the Application for Construction Works on Council Property form must be lodged with the development application for the works inside the boundary.

Both applications will then be advertised and considered concurrently by Council. In these circumstances, approval for the works outside the property boundary will only be granted where an approval for the work inside the boundary has been granted and vice versa.

A separate letter of approval, including relevant conditions, is issued for all works on Council property applications approved by Council.

Operating Plant

During the course of many construction and maintenance activities it is necessary to operate various items of plant from the roadway. These include cranes, concrete pumps, cherry pickers, hoists etc. A permit must be obtained from Council to operate such plant from the road reserve. The permit must be obtained at least 24 hours before the proposed work. Permits will not be issued on the proposed day of the work. Applicants will also be supplied with a set of conditions that must be complied with during the operation of the plant at the time of obtaining the permit.

The permit is only valid for one day and one vehicle/item at a time. Separate permits must be obtained for separate days and/or item of plant. Council will not grant permission for temporary closure of a road to allow operation of such plant items unless there is a viable alternative route for traffic. Any alternative route must be approved by Council‘s traffic engineer as part of a Traffic Management Plan for the work being undertaken.

Skip Bins

No waste container or skip may be supplied, stored, placed or otherwise permitted to stand on any public street, inclusive of the footpath, or in any public place without conforming to Mosman Council Guidelines.

Standard Details

Last updated Friday 7 February 2025
Last updated Friday 7 February 2025