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Land Register

Council is required under section 53 of the Local Government Act 1993 to keep a register of all land owned, vested in or under its control.

The Land Register includes information relevant to the land including:

  • the name (if any) by which the land is known
  • address or location of the land
  • reference to title of the land
  • name of the owner of the land
  • whether or not the land is Crown land
  • classification of the land
  • whether or not there is a Plan of Management for the land
  • zoning (if any) of the land under an environmental planning instrument and
  • particulars of any agreement (including any lease or licence) entered into by the Council with respect of the land.

The Land Register is updated as required in line with the implementation of new legislation and completed property and land dealings.

Information on lease and licence agreements can be found in the Lease and Licence Register which is updated annually.

Information on Crown Reserves can be found on the Crown Land Manager Reserves Portal administered by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, however Council accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions and makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in it. 

Last updated Friday 5 July 2024
Last updated Friday 5 July 2024