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Library Services include lending, inter-library loans, home library service and many more valuable community resources.


About the Shorelink Library Network

Mosman Library Service is a member of the Shorelink Library Network, a computer network that links the libraries of Mosman, Lane Cove and Stanton (North Sydney). Your library membership card entitles you to borrow from all of these libraries. All item can be returned at any library in the network.


Borrowing from your library is free and easy. You can borrow up to 20 items for a period of 3 weeks for everything except Fast Collections which are for 1 week. Overdue fees apply for late returns.


Loans are automatically renewed on the due date unless they have been reserved for by another borrower. You can also renew your borrowed items online with your library card, provided there are no reservations on them. Items can only be renewed twice. Renew my items

Place a Hold

If the item you are after is on loan you can place a hold simply by logging into your account with your library card. Placing a hold will cost $3.50 ($1.50 for Mosman pensioners and free for Children's and Young Adult item reservation). Search the catalogue for the title and click ‘reserve’. Search the Catalogue

Fast Reads

Mosman Library Service offers a Fast Reads collection consisting of current and popular books available for a one-week loan.

These collections are not renewable nor reservable in order to maintain a continual turnover to satisfy demand for up-to-date titles.

Inter-Library Loans

If you cannot find the book you are looking for in the Shorelink Library Catalogue we can arrange to borrow a copy from another library.

Simply log on to your online account with your library card and password, and select the “Borrow from a different library” tab. Enter your request details and select “Save.” A minimum cost of $3.50 will apply.

Web Printing

Log into Mosman Web Print
Enter your Guest Ticket or Library Card Number and Password
Select files from your device and release print at the printer.

Black and White
A4 – $0.20 each
A3 – $0.40 each

A4 – $2.20 each
A3 – $4.40 each

Please ask Staff if you require assistance

Home Library Service

Mosman Library Service offers a free and tailored home delivery service to residents who are physically unable to visit the library. Find out more about our Home Library Service.

Justice of the Peace Service

The Library’s Justice of the Peace Service is available every Wednesday from 12-2pm in Meeting Room One on the Lower Level of the library. This service is free and no bookings are required.

The volunteer JPs offer the following services:

  • Administering oath declarations or affidavits, and taking statutory declarations and affirmations principally under the Oaths Act 1900
  • Witnessing signatures
  • Attesting and certifying documents

Please note following advice from the NSW Department of Justice – New South Wales Justices of the Peace are unable to witness or certify any of the following documents:

  • Enduring Powers of Attorney
  • Proof of Life forms
  • Queensland Land Title documents
  • Laminated Citizenship Certificates

If you require an Enduring Power of Attorney to be witnessed it can be witnessed by a Solicitor or Court Registrar.

Multicultural Service

Community Languages

Loans of community language books can be arranged through the State Library of NSW Multicultural Service. You can request a box of foreign language books by filling out an Inter-Library loan request form. Multimedia language learning kits are available for loan for those wishing to learn a range of languages.

Mosman Library Service also subscribes to Transparent Language Online, an interactive language program, which you can access from home with your library card.

Literacy Collection

The Library holds a small Literacy Collection suitable for young adults and adults with literacy and numeracy problems and for English as a Second Language students. This collection includes graded readers, books with CD‘s and IELTS text and workbooks.

We also subscribe to IELTS online for foreign language students preparing for the test.
Learn to Speak English – Road to IELTS

Last updated Wednesday 19 February 2025
Last updated Wednesday 19 February 2025