Citizenship Ceremonies
Becoming an Australian Citizen
To become an Australian Citizen you start the process by contacting the Department of Immigration and Border Protection via the Citizenship Information Line on 131 880 or online at Citizenship Information.
Once the application has been processed and approved, a Certificate is printed and forwarded to your local Council for presentation at a Citizenship Ceremony. Taking the pledge of commitment as a citizen of the Commonwealth of Australia during the Citizenship Ceremony is the final step to becoming an Australian Citizen.
Citizenship Ceremonies
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection will notify you once you have been approved for Citizenship and you will be put on a six to 12 month waiting list for a ceremony. Council is unable to tell you where you sit on the waiting list. If you have any enquiries about the date of your ceremony, call the Citizenship Information Line on 131 880.
About the Citizenship Ceremonies
Other than Australia Day, the Citizenship Ceremonies are usually conducted at the Mosman Art Gallery & Community Centre (1 Art Gallery Way, Mosman) at 7.00pm by the Mayor and General Manager or their delegates. The official Ceremony takes about 45 minutes.
An AEC electoral form will be provided at the Ceremony, so that the names of new citizens can be added to the Electoral Roll.
Last updated Monday 8 January 2024
Last updated Monday 8 January 2024