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Citizens celebrated

Posted on Sunday 26 January 2025

Susie Agoston has been named 2025 Mosman Citizen of the Year as part of an Australia Day event at Mosman Drill Hall, which also included a citizenship ceremony.

Long-standing Mosman resident Susie was recognised for her many contributions across the arts, sports, education and philanthropy - from curating art exhibitions that provide a platform for Indigenous artists to share their stories and culture, to leading bush regeneration efforts in places such as Memory Park, to coaching community and school-based netball teams, and spearheading fundraising efforts for vital causes. 

Portrait of Susie Agoston

Pictured: Susie Agoston

While Susie was unable to attend today’s event in person, her son David accepted the award on her behalf.

Mosman Mayor Ann Marie Kimber also presided over a citizenship ceremony, with 60 conferees from 29 countries taking the pledge to become Australian citizens.

The 1st Balmoral Sea Scouts and the Lions Club were also on hand to help with proceedings and a barbecue lunch, while representatives from the Australian Electoral Commission attended to help ensure our newest citizens are enrolled to vote at federal, state and local government elections.

Read more of Susie's story.