From the Mayor - 27 January 2021
If something can happen once, it can happen again. This is the oft-ignored first lesson of history and never has it been a more important lesson than since the domestic attack on the US Capitol on 6 January. Add to this most terrifying action the news out of the UK that the deadly second wave of COVID has left the NHS in the most precarious position of its entire 72-year history. These are watershed moments in two countries with shared connections and contacts for residents and these sobering, shocking events leave us all appreciative of how fortunate we are to live in Australia – with the privilege and responsibility of compulsory voting and our wonderful world-class public health system.
Closer to home, during the recent COVID outbreak on the northern beaches, Council was approached by the Office of the Federal Minister for Health, Greg Hunt to discuss the possibility of providing locations for pop-up testing sites in Mosman. Should the need ever arise, Council stands ready to immediately co-operate with all requests to assist.
Another talking point and an object of concern and interest in our community is the upcoming legal action by Woolworths against Mosman Council for the right to build a Metro supermarket on Military Road. At our first 2021 Council Meeting next week, I will present a Mayoral Minute to ensure Council sets aside adequate funds to proceed with a robust legal defence against the development.
I was pleased to formally officiate at our first Citizenship Ceremony for 2021 on Australia Day. The modified ceremony also recognised and acknowledged Mosman’s Citizen of the Year Kathrina Doran and Young Citizen of the Year George Scammell.
As we settle into 2021 with many residents already back to work and our children preparing to either start or return to school, my greatest wish is that we all continue to support and care for each other by fully co-operating with government COVID-19 guidelines and advice so that we give ourselves, our families and each other the best shot at staying safe and healthy.
2021 has all the hallmarks of being a challenging, busy, productive and hopefully very positive year for Mosman.