Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Council completed its second Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) in 2022.
Council wants to make sure that people with disability, their families and carers are included in Mosman and that our community is more accessible. The DIAP is a four-year plan that details the strategies and actions being undertaken by Council to enable people with disability to fully participate in all aspects of community life.
In writing the Disability Inclusion Action Plan Council asked the community about the barriers that people with disability face in Mosman and their ideas for improvement. Council undertook consultations with people with disability, carers, family and community members, and service providers in March and April 2021 and involved Council managers and staff to help shape the practical steps that Council will take over the next four years to make Mosman a more inclusive community for people with disability.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-26
Mosman Council is committed to making our community more accessible and inclusive of people with disability by:
- promoting positive attitudes and behaviours toward people with disability
- making improvements to ensure our community is easier live in and to get around
- helping to facilitate access to volunteering and work opportunities for people with disability
- making sure the information we provide is easy to understand and our services are accessible and inclusive.
An Easy Read version is also available.
For more, visit our People with a Disability.