From the Mayor - 25 July 2019
As we approach Local Government Week, I want to again thank my fellow Councillors for their contribution and commitment to the Mosman community. I am also excited to announce that Mosman Council has been nominated for three Local Government awards, two in the area of Arts and Culture and one for our Youth Week program. It would be wonderful to have Council staff recognised for their hard work and commitment to unique and innovative projects that enhance our community.
Over the next few weeks expect to be stopped by one of the Access and Mobility Committee community members who are out and about gathering support for their 2019 My Community Project, a new accessible toilet at Raglan Street West Carpark. This most needed facility joins other projects vying to receive NSW Government funding. Details of how to vote can be found on Council’s website and critically the project with the most votes by 15 August wins. So keep those votes rolling in.
Public exhibition and opportunity for comment continues for some important community issues – the Local Strategic Planning Statement closes on 7 August and Mosman Occasional Care continues until 22 August. I encourage all residents to have their say on Council’s website.
Along with all our local schools, Council will celebrate National Science Week in August. There are many great talks and events, with a highlight being the Living Seawalls talk at the library on 16 August. Significantly, Mosman Council is participating in the Solar My School initiative and is supporting Mosman Public School as it goes solar.
Staying with sustainability, I again wrote to the Minister for Transport and Roads, Mr Andrew Constance, requesting additional bus services into Beauty Point on weekends and out of peak hour periods. Unfortunately, there is no current plan to increase bus services but I will continue to advocate for residents.
Feedback from residents and visitors to our Winter Feast Night Market was extremely positive and sets a new standard for our next night market in October. Our Inaugural “Dinner on the Green” will also be held during this year’s Festival of Mosman.
In closing, I wish all students a happy, safe and successful Term 3.