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Council Decided – 6 August 2024

Posted on Wednesday 7 August 2024

Community Grants 2024/25

A total of $69,972 was allocated to 25 community organisations through Council’s 2024/25 Community Grants Program. A wide variety of projects and initiatives have been funded under the program, including dance and music programs, resilience and support for young people, sporting skills, work experience and other resources for people living with disability, community gardening, environmental programs, domestic violence support and upgraded facilities and equipment.

Council election and end of term matters

The next local government elections will be held on Saturday 14 September. Polling booths will be located cross Mosman and voting is compulsory. Council was advised of significant matters relating to the conduct of elections and the period leading up to polling day, including the caretaker period that takes effect four weeks prior to the election, ‘electoral matters’ and use of Council resources prior to elections, reportable political donations, permissible campaigning activities and end of term procedures for Councillors. Council adopted as a matter of policy campaigning activities permissible prior to Council elections, enabling the General Manager to appropriately regulate these activities into the future.

2024 Local Government NSW Conference

Council resolved to submit a Motion to the 2024 Local Government NSW Conference, again calling for a strengthening of penalties relating to acts of tree vandalism. It was also resolved that the Mayor and two Councillors be approved to attend the November conference as Council’s delegates, together with any further interested Councillors wishing to attend attend as observers. Given the timing of the conference and that of the September local government elections, authority was delegated to the Mayor and General Manager to determine and register attending delegates and observers after the election, and also to finalise any Motions for inclusion on the Conference business paper prior to the 16 August deadline.

Stormwater Management

Council considered a number of draft sustainability amendments to Council’s Development Control Plans and Stormwater Management Policy in order to implement actions in its Local Strategic Planning Statement, Mosman Climate Action Plan – Mitigation Strategy and a previous resolution of Council. The proposed amendments will require new developments to provide charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and implement measures to treat stormwater quality on-site before stormwater enters Sydney Harbour, waterways, bushland and drainage systems. It was resolved that the draft amendments be placed on public exhibition and that the matter again be reported to Council at the conclusion of the exhibition period.

Coastal Management Program

Mosman has the opportunity to participate in a project to develop the Outer Sydney Harbour Coastal Management Program (OSHCMP). The project is aimed at approaching coastal management issues in a holistic and integrated manner by participating councils, namely Mosman, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, Willoughby, Woollahra, Waverley, City of Sydney and Ku-ring-gai, together with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Sydney Water. It is expected to take several years to complete, with Stage 2 (determination of risk, vulnerabilities and opportunities) to be completed within a year. Council resolved to formally confirm its involvement in the OSHCMP project and a further project update will be provided to Council in 2025.

Military Road Drainage Works

Council has recently called for tenders to undertake drainage works in Military Road between Beach Lane and Gouldsbury Street, aimed at addressing stormwater overflows causing inconvenience and safety issues for pedestrians, shopkeepers and motorists and reducing property damage risk. Following receipt and assessment of tenders, Council resolved to accept the tender from Planet Civil Pty Ltd to undertake the necessary works. It is anticipated that the works will commence in late September this year and be completed within 6 weeks.

Safety Upgrade Funding

Council has recently been advised of its success in applying for a number of grants under three separate grants programs. Grant funds totalling $470,000 have been secured to undertake works including 40km/h investigations, infrastructure improvements to promote walking for Beauty Point Public School and works to address crashes in Raglan Street between Clanalpine Street and The Esplanade. Council resolved to undertake these projects over the next two years.

Revised Policy – Resident Parking Scheme

In May this year Council considered a revised Resident Parking Scheme Policy and resolved to exhibit the draft revised policy for public comment. Council considered matters raised in the 17 submissions received during the public exhibition period and resolved to adopt the revised Resident Parking Scheme Policy. It was also resolved that Council investigate the feasibility of introducing new RPS or extending the existing RPS areas in accordance with the revised policy to cover Art Gallery Way between Cowles Road and Harbour Street, Lennox Street, Wudgong Street and Cardinal Street,  Dalton Road and Spofforth Street.

Tolling on Sydney Harbour Bridge and Tunnel and Military Road e-ramps

Having considered a Notice of Motion in relation to this matter, Council resolved to seek a meeting with the Minister for Transport to discuss the proposal to implement two-way tolling on the Harbour Bridge, Harbour Tunnel and proposed Military Road e-ramp. The issue of equity for all residents will be raised, together with the cost of living impacts currently faced by Sydney residents. It was also resolved the Council pursue a commitment to improve active transport and public transport networks into and out of Mosman, including connections to nearby Metro stations in light of the push for greater housing density.