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Council Decided – 3 September 2024

Posted on Wednesday 4 September 2024

The Council Meeting held on 3 September 2024 was the final meeting of the current term of Council. The next meeting of Council will be held on a date to be advised following the local government elections scheduled for Saturday 14 September 2024.

2021-2024 Council term

Mayor Corrigan presented a Mayoral Minute reflecting on the current Council term and Council’s performance over the period. The Mayor thanked her Councillor colleagues and staff for their contributions during the 2021-2024 term and in particular paid tribute to Councillor Sarah Hughes who will not be seeking re-election for the 2024-2028 Council term.  Mayor Corrigan was also warmly thanked by the General Manager and Councillors for her leadership and service during her two terms as Mayor of Mosman, 2017-2024.

A MOSPLAN Review 2021-2024 ( ‘State of our City’) report detailing performance against Mosman’s Community Strategic Plan from 2021/22 to 2023/24 will be submitted to Council early in the new term, providing an overview of service delivery, community well-being and governance during the current term.

Code of Conduct Complaints

A report was presented to Council advising that there have been no Code of Conduct complaints received for Mosman Council for the reporting period 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024.  A formal return to this effect will be lodged with the Office of Local Government.

Draft 2023/24 Financial Statements

Council resolved to adopt its Draft Financial Statements for the year ending 30 June 2024 and to refer the statements for audit in accordance with Local Government Act requirements. It was noted that a better than forecast result had been achieved for the year, with the statements indicating a year-end operating surplus before capital grants and contributions of $3.548 million. Council’s performance against key financial performance indicators illustrates that it is in a sound financial position.