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Privacy Week

Posted on Monday 24 April 2023

As part of Privacy Awareness Week, which is a global campaign that highlights the importance of privacy, residents can take some simple steps to keep personal information secure.

Key steps to protect privacy include storing personal documents such as passports, driving licences, tax returns and bills in a safe place, destroying or shredding personal documents that show your name, address or other personal details, varying passwords and PINs for different accounts, taking care when using public computers to access personal information and disabling auto-connect to public Wi-Fi as well as using a VPN or incognito mode.

Social media can also be made safer by getting permission before sharing photos or videos of someone, not sharing posts that contain personal information or exchanging sensitive information over email as well as thinking before clicking links or sharing posts as social media platforms have around 20 per cent more methods to scam customers than other websites, including malicious advertisements, share buttons and plug-ins.