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Council News

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Council News

Meeting about planning changes

Residents are invited to a community information session on the NSW Government’s changes to independent planning panels on…

Citizens of the year

The recipients were announced by Mayor Corrigan during Mosman’s Australia Day proceedings following a Citizenship Ceremony and Australia Day Address by…

A warm welcome to 2018

Happy New Year and best wishes for a healthy, safe and prosperous 2018. A fond farewell to our many visitors who have enjoyed their summer holiday season…

Community Groups Workshops

Are you a leader of a local community group and want to learn more about community management issues and connect with others?

Bus shelter upgrades

Twenty one bus shelters will be replaced and a new shelter at The Spit constructed as part of Council’s bus shelter construction and replacement program.

Residents of Thursday Zone 3

Residents of Thursday waste delivery Zone 3 (previously known as Zone 4.3) are advised to refer to the Bin Collection dates page for 2018 waste information…

Council Decided – 5 December 2017

This was Council’s last Ordinary Meeting for 2017. Council’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 6 February 2018.

Balmoral Promenade reopens

Balmoral Promenade has been reopened after refurbishment works were completed on schedule and within budget.

Seasons greetings from Mosman

Apart from public holidays and selected days, the Council offices, Art Gallery and Library will be open during normal hours over the festive season.

Friendship in the Festive Season

The fairy lights are up and the Christmas trees are being decorated because the Festive Season is just around the corner.

Netball court lighting concept

Mosman Council is inviting public comment on a proposal for the installation of floodlighting at the three existing netball courts at Mosman Drill Hall…

Council Decided – 14 November 2017

Council again considered proposed works including a synthetic surface, amenities building and playground at Middle Head Oval and resolved to cease further…