Battle of Sydney Harbour, 1942 - Night Attack!
Join author Peter Grose and designer Gary Jackson for a thrilling account of events from May 31- June 1, 1942. Gary’s short video ‘NIGHT ATTACK’ will be followed by Peter’s talk based on 'THE BATTLE OF SYDNEY HARBOUR' and his authoritative ‘A VERY RUDE AWAKENING.’ The presentation will bring to life this moment in our history and focus on debunking long-held myths.
As a special treat, selected Ken Done paintings from his midget sub-series will be on loan from the Mosman Gallery, and their significance discussed. Gary and Darragh Christie have also created a dramatic display of images, text, newspaper articles and replica models to complement the event and be enjoyed with the paintings, over wine and nibbles.
'THE BATTLE OF SYDNEY HARBOUR' is a unique, richly illustrated book. Its bi-lingual Japanese and English accounts put former enemies, now friends, experiences side by side. It is the culmination of many years of work and collaboration. It will be available with other books for sale, and to be signed by the authors.
Free event.
Monday March 4th 2024, 7pm
Bookings are essential