Council Decided – 13 November 2018
Successful Motions – Local Government NSW
Mayor Carolyn Corrigan reported on three motions submitted by Mosman Council to the annual conference of Local Government NSW in October. All three motions, detailed below, were overwhelming carried by delegates at the conference:
- That Local Government NSW continues to lobby the Roads and Maritime Services to identify the progress of the matter of improved parking signs since the 2014 [Local Government NSW] resolution and that Mosman Council be nominated to become a pilot local government area for this initiative
- That Local Government NSW calls on the State Government to support the implementation of a protocol for the permanent flying of the Indigenous Flag, alongside the Australian Flag and the NSW State Flag, from Sydney Harbour Bridge
- That the Local Government Act be amended to ensure that councillors and candidates who are members of a registered political party, or have been a member of a major political party during any part of the twelve months prior to seeking council election/re-election, be prohibited from using the word “Independent’ beside their name on the ballot paper and on all election advertising materials.
Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC)
Mosman Council formally withdrew its membership of the Shore Regional Organisation of Councils (SHOROC) in November 2017 and joined the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC). At the time of joining NSROC it was resolved that a report be brought forward in 2018 detailing the benefits to Mosman of Council’s membership. The report presented to Council at this meeting outlined a range of key NSROC activities, together with specific cost savings and non-financial benefits achieved through NSROC over the past year. These included access to the Artarmon Community Recycling Centre, access to a shared design review panel and code of conduct review panel, regional grant funding for litter reduction projects in northern Sydney, and numerous examples of joint advocacy and knowledge sharing.
A to B Mosman Service
A report was presented to Council reviewing the first three months of operation of the A to B Mosman transport service, established by Council following cessation of the Mosman Rider service earlier this year. To date the new service has had limited take-up and, although the service will continue to be offered and promoted to the community as an adjunct to Council’s regular Community Transport service, it is not expected to require the level of funding originally anticipated.
2017/18 Annual Report
A comprehensive Annual Report was presented on the operations of Council during the 2017/18 financial year. The report outlines challenges and achievements over the period, including the delivery of key MOSPLAN initiatives and delivery of sound financial results at year-end. The 2017/18 Annual Report will be published on Council’s website and referred to the Minister for Government in accordance with Council’s legislative responsibilities. Speaking on the report, the Mayor acknowledged the achievements of the past year and also thanked Council staff for coordinating production of the document.
Quarterly MOSPLAN Report and Financial Statement
Council received and noted progress reports on the 2018-2019 MOSPLAN Operational Plan, as well as its 2018-19 Budget for the July – September 2018 quarter. MOSPLAN delivery and budget performance are well on track, with an increase of just over $300,000 currently being forecast on Council’s budgeted end-of-year surplus.
Community Gardens
Council resolved to strengthen its commitment to street based community gardens through amendments to its Nature Strip Maintenance Policy, with the policy now making specific reference to street based community gardens and procedures for applicants.
Drill Hall Common Netball Lighting Proposal
Representatives of Mosman Netball Club addressed Council in support of ongoing action to install lighting at the Drill Hall Common netball courts. This follows advice from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (SHFT) that it will not review the relevant Plan of Management to allow floodlighting of the netball courts until recommendations regarding local traffic management are appropriately addressed. Council resolved to reiterate its support for Mosman Netball and the installation of lights at the Drill Hall Common Netball Courts and will consult further with Mosman Netball and Mosman Rugby prior to responding further to SHFT. Council will also investigate other venue options for additional netball courts and alternate sites.
40km/h High Pedestrian Areas
Following a previous decision to investigate 40km/h high pedestrian activity areas on selected Mosman roads, Council considered a report outlining the results of initial technical assessments as well as likely community impacts. Having discussed the merits of proceeding further with the project, Council subsequently resolved that no further action be taken.
Parking Strategy
Council has, for a number of years, been taking active steps to address parking issues in Mosman. This has included installation of parking technology in 2016 following adoption of Council’s 2015 Parking Strategy. Since that time the technology has been used to gather data on parking habits however has not been used for enforcement, with Compliance officers continuing to use manual chalking of tyres and checking of printed tickets. Following consideration of the use of this technology for enforcement purposes at Council’s September 2018 meeting and a subsequent Councillor workshop to further discuss this issue, Council again considered the report presented at its meeting in September. This report, which detailed Council’s efforts in relation to parking strategy and management over recent years, included information on the use of parking technology and the data gathered, and recommended that Council’s Compliance officers be permitted to use the existing parking technology (being in-ground sensors in Military Road and surrounding streets, as well as in Council car parks in and around Mosman and Spit Junctions) for enforcement purposes. Following further debate it was resolved by Council that officers be permitted to use the parking technology for enforcement purposes and that funds be allocated to an extensive community engagement program to inform residents of the new enforcement arrangements as well as other parking resources such as Council’s Park Mosman app.
Prior to the end of the meeting a rescission motion was lodged by three Councillors in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, meaning that this matter will again be debated at Council’s December 2018 meeting and that no further action will be taken on the matter until that time.