Council Decided – 2 February 2021
2021 Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year
Mayor Carolyn Corrigan reported on the local Australia Day celebrations at Mosman Drill Hall, including the citizenship ceremony for 29 new citizens, and the announcement of Mosman’s 2021 Citizen of the Year Kathrina Doran and Young Citizen of the Year George Scammell. Both Kathrina and George were in attendance at the Council meeting and Mayor Corrigan again congratulated them on their achievement. Kathrina has worked tirelessly as a local volunteer over a number of years and for several organisations including Mosman Rowers, Mosman Football Club and Mosman Nippers. George, together with his brother Harry and sister Grace, founded and ran the hugely successful ‘Thank You Project Australia’, which has inspired over 70,000 notes of thanks and appreciation to fellow Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Farewell to Neal Garrett
Previous Mayors and senior staff attended the meeting to hear Mayor Corrigan deliver a Minute honouring Neal Garrett, who retired from Council after more than 42 years’ service on 26 January. The Mayor, Councillors, former Mayor Peter Abelson and former General Manager Viv May commended Mr Garrett – who attended the meeting with his wife Hong – on the great dedication, commitment, loyalty and discretion he had displayed during his lengthy employment with Council and wished him well in his retirement.
Budget Allocation – Woolworths Legal Appeal
After considering a further Mayoral Minute by Mayor Corrigan, Council resolved to dedicate sufficient funds in its 2020/21 legal budget to defend the Appeal lodged by Woolworths in the NSW Land and Environment Court regarding the supermarket operator’s proposed Metro store in Military Road.
Exposure Draft Bill on Local Government Rating Reform
Council considered the NSW Government’s recent response to IPART’s 2016 review of the local government rating system in NSW, and resolved to make a submission regarding the changes subsequently proposed by the State Government to the Local Government Act 1993.
Quarterly MOSPLAN Report and Financial Statement
Council received and adopted progress reports on the 2020-2021 MOSPLAN Operational Plan, as well as its 2020-21 Budget for the October – December 2020 quarter. MOSPLAN delivery and budget performance are largely on track despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a number of significant capital projects completed to date and an improvement of $400,000 on Council’s projected end of year operating result before capital grants and contributions.
2021 National General Assembly
The 2021 National General Assembly of Local Government will be held in Canberra from 20-23 June this year. Motions for the Assembly must be lodged by 26 March 2021 and Council resolved that Councillors submit any draft Motions for consideration by the Mayor and General Manager and subsequent lodgement prior to the closing date.
Environmental Impact Statement – Beaches Link and Gore Hill Freeway Connection
A report was presented to Council providing details of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) for the Beaches Link and Gore Hill Freeway Connection, currently on public exhibition until 1 March 2021. Council resolved that it provide in principle support for the project and that a Councillor workshop be arranged with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) in February to discuss the document. Council will then finalise a submission on the EIS, with relevant matters to include the establishment of a working group comprising TfNSW, Mosman and North Sydney Council to consider revitalisation of the Spit/Military Road corridor as part of the Beaches Link project, provision of adequate funding for this revitalisation, and minimisation of impacts associated with the project’s occupancy of Spit West Reserve through an appropriate leasing arrangement. Council will seek support directly from North Sydney Council to establish the working group.
Public Tree Vandalism – Unmade Amaroo and Unmade Kahibah North
Council staff were recently alerted by residents to a significant breach of Council Tree Preservation involving the illegal pruning and felling of semi-mature and mature trees within the Unmade Kahibah North and Unmade Amaroo Road Reserves. A thorough investigation into this breach is ongoing. Given the extreme nature of the illegal works, Council resolved to install a custom-made 8m x 2m tree preservation banner in the area of vandalised trees for a period of two years or until a successful prosecution is achieved.
Tender for Lease, Maintenance and Management of 2 Alexander Avenue
Having recently sought tenders for the future lease, maintenance and management of the property operating as a child care centre at 2 Alexander Avenue, Mosman, Council resolved to enter into a 5 year lease agreement with Jack and Jill Kindergarten Pty Ltd, with a further 5 year option, from 8 March 2021.