Council Decided - 4 September 2018
Max Glyde, former Director Corporate Services
The Mayor paid tribute to Max Glyde who has retired from his position as Director, Corporate Services after 38 years of service. The Mayor acknowledged Max’s major achievements including the implementation of pay and display parking on Council’s foreshore reserves, bus shelter and advertising contracts and the initiation of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee, and praised his dedication, professionalism and thoroughness.
Drought Relief
The Mayor presented a Mayoral Minute to the meeting acknowledging the significant impact of the drought on farming communities, and in particular, our sister-city Glen Innes Severn Council. Practical assistance in the form of fund-raising, promotion of the RU Aware, We Care appeal was agreed, and opportunities will be made available to the community to help with donations at Council events over the next months.
Election of Deputy Mayor
Councillor Tom Sherlock was elected as Mosman Council’s Deputy Mayor for the 12-month term to September 2019. Councillor Sherlock was first elected to Council in 2008 and this is his first term as Deputy Mayor.
Community Engagement
Council’s commitment to consulting and engaging with the Mosman community was affirmed in the adoption of a Community Engagement Policy that aligns with the international standard IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum. This calls for levels of consultation, varying with the impact of any proposal on the community, and ranging from simply providing information to collaborating on the development of schemes and plans. The Policy will be published on Council’s website.
Code of Conduct Complaints
Council is required to report annually on the complaints it has received regarding the conduct of Councillors and the General Manager. Council was advised that no complaints had been received during the year, and that this would be reported as part of the Annual Report 2017/18.
Waste and Recycling
Mosman Council uses a range of recycled material products in its operations including printing, footpaths, roads, fencing, bollards and gardens, however recycling rates in the community have fallen from 46% to 36% since 2013.
Following a request for an investigation into Council’s use of recycled products and initiatives to increase recycling rates, Council has resolved to explore options for the additional processing of waste before it is sent to landfill, to increase the amount of recyclable material that is recovered. The community will be consulted before any changes are made and an education campaign will be rolled out to reinforce awareness of what can be recycled.
Council also resolved to extend the existing contract for the collection of waste and recycling for one year.
Cleaning of Public Buildings and Public Amenities
Council discussed the existing contract and performance of cleaning of public buildings and amenities, and identified that levels of service needed to be reviewed. It is anticipated that service levels will need to be increased in a number of locations, and this information is being gathered to inform Council in time for a decision to be made prior to calling for new tenders in 2019. Until then, Council has resolved to extend the existing contract for cleaning for one year.
Mosman Scenic Protection Area and Medium Density code
The period of exclusion of Mosman’s harbour slopes from the provisions of the Housing Code is officially due to end on 30 November 2018. However it is anticipated that it will be extended temporarily to November 2020 in line with amendments that have been exhibited to the Code’s SEPP. Council discussed options to ensure the ongoing protection of the Mosman’s Scenic Protection Area and resolved to seek permanent exemption from the Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code.
Parking Strategy
Traffic and parking in Mosman are rated as one of the Top 3 issues for Mosman residents. In 2016 technology was installed at a range of sites in Mosman to collect data to help Council better understand the problem. Council discussed whether the technology should be used to help with enforcement of overstaying in parking and resolved to hold a workshop to enable more detailed discussion of the data and options for matching parking zones more closely with parking needs.
Strategic Planning
Amendments to the Environmental Planning and assessment Act 1979 have introduced a number of changes to strategic planning which require the preparation of new plans and documents. This work will, in the main, be undertaken in-house, and will be completed to meet the statutory timeframes.
Community Gardens
After discussion regarding nature strip and small community gardens Council resolved to prepare a report encouraging the facilitation of local street based community gardens. The report is to be presented at the November meeting.