Council Decided – 5 February 2019
Zara Grayspence
At the first council meeting for 2019, Mayor Carolyn Corrigan paid tribute to former Mosman Alderman and Councillor, Zara Grayspence, who passed away at age 97 in Melbourne last month.
First elected to Mosman Council in 1977, Zara served continuously as a councillor for 26 years, making her the longest continuing serving female councillor or alderman in Mosman’s history.
During her time on Council Zara Grayspence served at various times on every Council Committee, was elected President of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association in 1981, and in 2003 was awarded the Centenary Medal for her service to local government.
Mayor Corrigan acknowledged Zara’s exceptional service to the Mosman community on behalf of all residents, and the meeting observed a minute of silence in her memory.
2019 Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year
Mayor Corrigan reported on the local Australia Day celebrations at Mosman Drill Hall, including the citizenship ceremony for 45 new citizens, a community BBQ and the announcement of Mosman’s 2019 Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year.
Mr Gordon Alexander, 2019 Citizen of the Year and Ms Ella Spencer, 2019 Young Citizen of the Year were at the meeting to hear Councillor Corrigan deliver her Mayoral Minute. Mr Alexander, who has lived in Mosman with his wife Suzanne for more than 40 years, is the founding member of the Harnett Quarry Group, which has worked to gain historical and cultural recognition for the former quarry site at Harnett Park. Ms Spencer, currently in Year 12, was recognised for her many achievements spanning numerous community projects, groups and competitions. Ms Spencer is currently the Hon. Member for North Shore in the YMCA Youth Parliament NSW.
Car Share Policy Review
Council considered a report on the latest revisions to its Car Share Policy. The revised policy was adopted with some minor amendments that will strengthen consultation requirements for proposed car share spaces, remove a proposed requirement for minimum distances between car share spaces and recognise competition between car share companies as a central tenant of the policy. New fees to be applied as part of the revised policy will be exhibited in conjunction with Council’s draft 2019/20 Schedule of Fees and Charges in April.
Beaches Link Tunnel
Council again discussed the issue of the Beaches Link Tunnel. It was subsequently resolved that Mosman Council supports the Beaches Link and writes to the Premier of NSW requesting that the project approval process and works commence as soon as possible.
Parking Regulation
Recent NSW Government announcements in relation to parking fees and parking regulation were considered by Council. It was noted that the mandated 10 minute grace period for ticket parking will have a minimal operational impact on Mosman Council’s Rangers, who already apply discretion in parking enforcement, allowing a minimum of 10-15 minutes after the ticket expiry time for drivers to return to their vehicles before a parking infringement notice is issued. Council also resolved to take no further action in relation to reducing level 2 parking fines.
Energy and Technology
Council resolved to seek further information on a number of issues, with reports to be prepared for future consideration on technology and innovation at Mosman Council as well as options to reduce costs and greenhouse emissions associated with street lighting and other usage of non-renewable energy.
Festival of Mosman 2019
A preliminary program for the 2019 Festival of Mosman was endorsed by Council. The festival, which is held in Mosman every two years, will be held from Friday 18 October to Sunday 29 October this year. The program of festival events will include concerts by the beach, outdoor cinemas and markets, a Spring Dance for seniors, a new initiative to be known as ‘Dinner on the Green’, the Mosman Art Prize and public art installations, as well as numerous other Council and community-run activities.
Quarterly MOSPLAN Report and Financial Statement
Council received and noted progress reports on the 2018-2019 MOSPLAN Operational Plan, as well as its 2018-19 Budget for the October – December 2018 quarter. MOSPLAN delivery and budget performance are well on track, with an improvement to Council’s budgeted surplus enabling a further allocation for future capital works .
Model Code of Conduct
Council received advice on the latest Model Code of Conduct prescribed for local councils by the NSW Government in December 2018 and resolved to adopt the Model Code with some minor amendments and additions referencing local policy on staff/Councillor interactions and prohibitions on the acceptance of gifts and benefits.