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Council News

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Council News

Middle Head/Gubbuh Gubbuh Draft Master Plan

Council will make a submission on the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust’s (SHFT) Revised Draft Master Plan for Middle Head/Gubbuh Gubbuh.

Youth Centre name change 

Mosman Youth Centre will officially change its name after Council resolved to drop the word ‘Development’ from the centre’s name.

Council Decided – 5 September 2023

In a Mayoral Minute delivered to the meeting, Mayor Carolyn Corrigan paid tribute to the late Mary Louise McLaws AO.

New Deputy Mayor elected 

Councillor Pip Friedrich has been elected unopposed as Mosman Council’s Deputy Mayor.

From the Mayor - 30 August 2023

I warmly invite residents to come along to our September Council Meeting when I will deliver a Mayoral Minute to honour the late Professor Mary Louise…

Soft plastics recycling

Mosman residents can now help prevent soft plastics from going to waste by signing up to a new free recycling program. 

Allan Border Oval Pavilion works progress

Works on the Allan Border Oval Pavilion have recommenced following the appointment of new contractor Reitsma Constructions in June. 

Indigenous art donation

Mosman Art Gallery will expand its collection of Indigenous art following a $20,000 donation to support the acquisition of further works.

Oval works underway

Works are in full swing to upgrade Balmoral Oval’s playing surface, irrigation system and drainage following the success of similar works at Middle Head…

Square officially opened

The revitalised Mosman Square and Village Green have been officially opened during the first Mosman Market since works began earlier this year.

Community Grants

A total of nearly $70,000 has been awarded to 21 community organisations through Council’s 2023/24 Community Grants Program.

Tree day turnout

More than 40 residents turned out to help plant more than 700 native plants during Mosman's National Tree Day planting event.