Council Decided – 7 May 2019
Bridge-ing the Gap Campaign
Council adopted a Mayoral Minute in support of the Bridge-ing the Gap campaign to fly the Indigenous flag alongside the Australian and NSW flags on top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Council has previously shown its support for this initiative, taking a Motion on the issue to the 2018 Local Government Conference. This Motion was strongly supported and delivered to the Premier by Local Government NSW.
A petition in support of the Bridge-ing the Gap campaign has been placed at Customer Service in the Mosman Civic Centre.
Sponsorship of ‘My Community Project’ Funding Application
Council considered a request to sponsor a community-based application to the State government’s 2019 ‘My Community Project’ funding program. It was resolved unanimously that Council sponsor the $200,000 funding application for new accessible toilets adjacent to the Raglan Street West carpark. Subject to the approval of the State government to move this application forward, the project will be subject to a public vote in July 2019 alongside other projects put forward by the community for the NSW electorate of North Shore.
Quarterly MOSPLAN Report and Financial Statement
Council received and noted progress reports on the 2018-2019 MOSPLAN Operational Plan, as well as its 2018-19 Budget for the January – March 2019 quarter. MOSPLAN delivery and budget performance are well on track, with a forecasted improvement of $37,000 on Council’s end of year result.
Mosman Rowing Club
Council resolved to endorse a process for renewal of its lease to the Mosman Rowing Club for a term of 21 years. In accordance with requirements of the Local Government Act 1993, the proposed lease renewal will be exhibited by Council for public comment.
Open Space Contracts
Approval was granted by Council for three year extensions to its current contracts for bushland restoration. Council also endorsed specifications and the calling of tenders for its Parks and Sporting Fields Contract for 2019-2024.
Balmoral Improvement Works
Following completion of major upgrades at Balmoral Beach, Council approved further improvement works to be undertaken over the next few months. These include upgrades to an additional four showers near the Tramshed and Balmoral Baths, improved landscaping around the Rotunda, an additional kerb-side garden at the end of Mandalong Road, and repairs and upgrades to stairs and handrails at a number of locations. The works are expected to be completed by the end of August.
Draft Recreational Strategy – Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
Council considered the draft Recreational Strategy currently on exhibition by the Sydney Harbour Trust and resolved to make a submission to the Trust supporting a range of matters referenced in the draft Strategy. This includes support for increased access to facilities at Georges Heights Oval, Middle Head Oval and Drill Hall Common, installation of lights at Drill Hall Common netball courts and Georges Heights Oval, further investigation of options for the Middle Head Oval pavilion, continued use of the Camouflage Fuel Tank/s for gallery and performing art space and consideration of alternate uses for tennis courts.
Balmoral Bathers Pavilion
The outcomes of the recent tendering process for the Balmoral Bathers Pavilion were considered by Council. It was subsequently resolved that Council accept the tender of The Balmoral Bathers Pavilion Pty Ltd (of which current lessee Serge Dansereau is a principal) to lease and manage the premises from 2020 to 2039.
Balmoral Childcare
Council discussed the exceptional difficulties that have been faced with regards to its development application for a new 38 place child care centre at Balmoral Park. Given the unreasonable impact bush fire safety requirements would have on the adjacent bushland and sporting uses at Balmoral Oval, Council resolved to cease the childcare project and to withdraw the relevant development application. A new development application will be prepared to demolish the existing premises on the site and other options for future use of the site will be investigated. Council also resolved to proceed with its existing plans for the redevelopment of the pavilion at Allan Border Oval, noting its previous intention to transfer the operations of the Mosman Occasional Child Care Centre (MOCC) to the proposed new centre at Balmoral. In the absence of any other feasible location for the MOCC, Council further resolved to signal its intention to close the MOCC in December 2019.
Retail Planning Controls
Council resolved that staff review the planning objectives and controls relating to retail size limits in its B1 Neighbourhood Centre Zone (Avenue Road, Balmoral and Spofforth Street) and B2 Local Centre Zone (Shopfront Terrace Business Centre Zone Mosman Junction) and that a report on this review be brought back to the July 2019 meeting of Council.