Council Decided – 1 October 2019
Mosman Council ‘Best Workplace’ Award
In a Mayoral Minute to Council, Mayor Carolyn Corrigan advised that Mosman Council has been announced as winner of the Voice Project’s Best Workplace Award for 2019. This award recognises workplaces that have excellent management practices and a highly engaged workforce. Mosman’s award acknowledges the excellent results achieved in a staff feedback survey earlier this year, in which Council staff were asked their views on the direction of the Council, the way it is managed, and on various aspects of their job and working environment. In 2019 this survey has been conducted in over 100 councils across Australia and Mosman Council has on average exceeded more than 100 industry benchmarks by at least 10%.
Mosman Occasional Childcare Centre
At its meeting on 7 May 2019 Council resolved to withdraw its development application for a new child care centre at Balmoral Park due to the unreasonable impact that bush fire safety requirements would have on adjacent bushland and sporting uses. Council also resolved to proceed with its existing plans for the redevelopment of the pavilion at Allan Border Oval, noting its previous intention to transfer the operations of the Mosman Occasional Child Care Centre (MOCC) to the proposed new centre at Balmoral. In the absence of any other feasible location for the MOCC, Council further resolved to signal its intention to close the MOCC in December 2019 pending determination of a development application for the Balmoral Oval pavilion.
The redevelopment of the pavilion was subsequently approved by the Mosman Local Planning Panel on 18 September. Council has now further considered the matter, including the results of community consultation conducted in July/August 2019, and has reaffirmed its decision to close the MOCC. The final operating day for the MOCC will be Thursday 19 December.
Council also resolved to assist current MOCC families in their transition to other local childcare centres with new occasional care offerings, including reimbursement of 2020 registration fees. The transition will be reviewed by Council in 12 months.
Crown Land Leases – Mosman Bay
Council resolved to endorse the process for renewing three leases of land in Harnett Park, Mosman Bay to Mosman Bay Marina, 3rd Mosman Bay Sea Scouts and Sydney Amateur Sailing Club. Each of these proposed 20-year lease renewals will be publicly exhibited and submissions invited for a minimum of 28 days. Residents and others interested in the lease renewals are invited to visit the ‘Have Your Say’ page on this website, where the proposals will be exhibited in coming weeks.
Draft Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Council adopted its Draft Financial Statements for the year ending 30 June 2019, which will now be formally referred for audit in accordance with Council’s responsibilities under the Local Government Act 1993.
Council’s Income Statement for the year to 30 June 2019 discloses a surplus operating result before capital grants and contributions of $2.9 million. This compares favourably to the 2017-18 surplus result of $1.089 million.
The Draft Financial Statements illustrate that Council is in a sound financial position, with Council performing better than industry benchmarks across a series of key indicators in 2018-2019.
Conversion of Street Lighting
A report was presented to Council providing further information on the potential conversion of existing lighting in residential streets, main streets and public open spaces to LED. It was resolved by Council that the conversion of street and public lighting be referred for consideration amongst other priorities as part of its 2020-2021 budget preparations in February 2020.
Memory Park Public Amenities
Council considered a report outlining potential locations, inclusions and costings for the provision of public amenities at Memory Park and resolved that this project also be considered as part of its 2020-2021 budget preparation process in February 2020.
Traffic Matters
Council approved a Traffic Management Plan for New Years Eve 2019 which outlines the times and locations of local NYE road closures, and also noted a range of matters previously determined by the Local Traffic Committee in relation to roads, transport and traffic. These included approval for design work to upgrade the roundabout at Belmont and Cowles Roads and the conversion of 8 metres of ‘No Stopping’ restrictions at the Clifford Road cul-de-sac to ‘No Parking’. This latter decision will effectively implement a ‘kiss-and-ride’ zone in Clifford Street.
Council also resolved that designated car share spaces be installed at the following locations:- Calliope Street near Spofforth Street
- Warringah Road near Spit Road
- Middle Head Road near King Max Street
- Vista Street at the rear of 11 Myahgah Road
- Adjacent to 99 Avenue Road
- Awaba Street (western side) near Spit Road