Council Decided – 12 November 2019
Supporting the Community of Glen Innes Severn Community
Mayor Councillor Corrigan presented a Mayoral Minute relating to the devastating fires that have impacted communities around NSW and across Australia. In particular, the area of Glen Innes Severn, with which Mosman has a Friendship Agreement, has been badly effected with loss of lives and many properties including the home of Mayor Carol Sparks. Council unanimously agreed that Mayor Corrigan speak with Mayor Sparks to confirm the most effective way Mosman can render support and assistance to the Glen Innes Severn community.
Manager Community Services
Mayor Corrigan thanked Council’s outgoing Manager Community Services, Niki Atmore, for her exceptional service to Council and the Mosman community over the past eight and half years. The Mayor also welcomed Andrew Smith as Council’s new Manager Community Services.
Quarterly MOSPLAN Report and Financial Statement
Council received and noted progress reports on the 2019-2020 MOSPLAN Operational Plan, as well as its 2019-20 Budget for the July – September 2019 quarter. MOSPLAN delivery and budget performance are on track, with a slightly lower end-of-year operating surplus now being forecast.
2018/2019 Annual Report
A comprehensive Annual Report was tabled on the operations of Council during the 2018/19 financial year. The report outlines challenges and achievements over the period, including the delivery of key MOSPLAN initiatives and sound financial results at year-end. The 2018/19 Annual Report will be published on Council’s website and referred to the Minister for Government in accordance with Council’s legislative responsibilities.
Community Participation Plan
Following recent community consultation on Council’s draft Community Participation Plan, Council considered a report including a revised plan incorporating feedback received during the exhibition period. Having regard to discussion and community feedback at the meeting, further minor edits to the draft plan will be considered prior to publication of the final plan by 1 December.
Balmoral Oval Restoration
In recent months Council has engaged the community on options for future use of land adjacent to Balmoral Oval. The options presented to the community for preferential voting included a grassed/natural area, multi-purpose court (full size or practice), BBQ with shelters and a community garden. After considering the feedback received – which demonstrated majority support for a full-sized multi-purpose court – Council resolved to select the full-sized multi-purpose court as the preferred option for the site. Surrounding residents will be formally notified of Council’s intention to construct this new facility, which is to include low level lighting and additional posts at the mid-way points of the court’s side perimeters. BBQs will not be included on site and, for the first twelve months following construction, the court is to operate without formal bookings. After that time a further report will be presented to Council on the court’s performance. Funding to undertake the necessary works is to be made available in the next quarterly review of Council’s budget.
New Year’s Eve Road Closures and Clearways
Council endorsed a Traffic Management Plan detailing road closures and clearways that will apply in Mosman on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday 31 December. These traffic arrangements will be advertised in the Mosman Daily and on Council’s website in December.
Building Management Services 2019-2025
Following a recent call for tenders for provision of Building Management Services, Council resolved to appoint various contractors to carry out civic buildings cleaning, public amenities and oval pavilion cleaning, external building and window cleaning, graffiti management and pest control from 30 November 2019.
Climate – State of Emergency
A large number of supporters were in attendance to speak about climate change and to listen to Council’s debate on this issue. It was subsequently resolved that Mosman Council:
a) Declare that climate change poses a serious risk to the people of Mosman and Australia, and it should be treated as a national emergency
b) Join with and support the call of other councils and the LGNSW on the State and Federal Governments to respond to this emergency by taking urgent action to (at least) meet the emissions reduction targets contained in the Paris Agreement
c) Report to the December Council meeting on the climate actions that Mosman has taken already, and the best options for Mosman to further reduce emissions and prepare for the expected impacts of climate change
d) Request the General Manager to note this emergency declaration and work with Council to ensure that MOSPLAN addresses the community’s desire for effective climate action.
A further report will be presented to Council’s December 2019 meeting in accordance with resolution c), above.
Traffic Safety ‘Slow Down’ Signage
Council discussed the temporary ‘Slow Down’ wraps being used by Northern Beaches and North Sydney Council on bollards, signage poles and fences as part of their respective road safety programs. It was agreed that similar ‘Slow Down’ corflute signage be trialled for 6 weeks in Moruben Road and that the efficacy of the signage in changing road user behaviour be measured with traffic speed technology. The results of the trial, once complete, will be reported to Council.