Council Decided – 5 May 2020
This was Council’s first meeting conducted fully online. Matters discussed and determined included:
COVID-19 Update
Council received and noted a report regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and endorsed actions taken to date including measures to protect the well-being and health of staff and the community, the closing, cancelling or suspending of facilities, services and programs, cancelling or postponing of events, and changes to Council Meeting arrangements. It was also resolved that further footpath signage be installed at select locations to promote social distancing practices, while some other signage on star pickets at Balmoral is to be removed.
2020/21 Community Grants
Council adopted a recommendation from staff to delay the opening of its 2020/21 Community Grants funding round, normally scheduled for May, pending further discussions in relation to the 2020/21 Budget. The 2020/21 Budget is due to be adopted by Council in the first week of June.
Quarterly MOSPLAN Report and Financial Statement
Council received and adopted progress reports on the 2019-2020 MOSPLAN Operational Plan, as well as its 2019-20 Budget for the January-March 2020 quarter. MOSPLAN delivery has remained largely on track, although financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic began to be felt during the quarter, with the forecasted end-of-year operating result adjusted by approximately $1 million, resulting in a projected deficit of almost $700,000.
Refurbishment of Mosman Swim Centre
A report was presented to Council outlining the results of a recent tendering process for refurbishment of Mosman Swim Centre. This centre, built in 2003, is owned by Council and managed by external operators. Works required at the centre include renewal of change rooms and concourse tiling, as well as electrical works, ceiling and painting works, drainage works and replacement of hand rails, fountains and starting board. It was resolved by Council that negotiations be entered into with short-listed tenderers, with a view to a contract being entered into with the preferred tenderer. It was noted that extended lead times have been identified for various components of the work, however efforts will be made to commence works as soon as practicable.
Beach and Reserve Cleaning Contract
Council resolved to extend the current contract for Beach and Reserve Cleaning in Mosman by one year until 30 September 2021, at an estimated value of $800,000 (ex GST). This contract provides for beach cleaning according to specified frequencies, daily reserve cleaning and litter collection from Council reserves and business district street litter bins, and transportation of waste and recycling for disposal.