Council Decided – 6 April 2021
Vale Lilliane Brady OAM
A Mayoral Minute was delivered in relation to the recent passing of Cobar’s Mayor, Councillor Lilliane Brady, NSW’s longest serving female Mayor. In her Mayoral Minute Councillor Corrigan stated that Councillor Brady was a trailblazer and mentor for women in local government. The Acting Mayor of Cobar, Councillor Peter Abbott, has written thanking Mosman Council for its support and care during this difficult time for the Cobar community.
Draft MOSPLAN Delivery Program, Operational Plan, Budget and Fees & Charges
Council resolved to place its draft revised 2018-2022 Delivery Program and 2021-2022 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges on exhibition for public comment. The exhibition period will run until Sunday 9 May and all draft documents are available on Council’s consultation website, as well as at Council’s Customer Service Centre and the Barry O’Keefe Library. Submissions can be made online or by regular post. Visit the above site for further details.
Audit Committee Membership
It was agreed by Council that the current Councillor representatives on the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (Councillors Bendall, Sherlock and Cook (alternate delegate)) continue to serve on the Committee for the remainder of current term of Council. It was also agreed that the term for current independent Committee members (Mrs Louise Scambler, Mr Andrew Hanigan and Mr Brian Hrnjak) be extended by 12 months to 30 September 2022.
Remote Attendance by Councillors at Council Meetings
A consultation paper has recently been issued by the Office of Local Government (OLG) seeking views on proposed amendments to the Model Code of Conduct for NSW Councils allowing individual Councillors to attend meetings remotely by audio-link in certain circumstances. Council resolved to make a submission to the OLG fully supporting all the proposals detailed in the consultation paper Remote Attendance by Councillors at Council Meetings.
Mosman Climate Action Plan – Mitigation Strategy
In December last year a draft Climate Strategy and Action Plan was presented to Council. This followed Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency in November 2019 and a series of public consultations held earlier in 2020. It was resolved by Council at that time that the draft document be exhibited for public comment and the Climate Strategy and Action Plan was subsequently exhibited from mid-December until the end of February 2021. The report submitted to the April 2021 Council meeting detailed the results of this consultation and included a revised draft for Council’s consideration. It was resolved that the document, now titled the Mosman Climate Action Plan – Mitigation Strategy be formally adopted. Provision has been made in the draft 2021-2022 Budget for initiatives that support the Plan’s objectives.
Public Carparking – Spit Road
In conjunction with the planning and delivery of the B-line project along Spit and Military Roads, Mosman Council previously received undertakings from Transport for NSW that 30 public carparking spaces would be made available as part of any redevelopment of the former cinema site at 7-11 Spit Road, at no cost to Council. The matter has recently progressed and, with further progress likely in 2021, Council resolved to delegate authority to the General Manager to finalise any details associated with provision of the 30 car spaces.
Draft Mosman Bay and Little Sirius Cove Plan of Management
A draft Plan of Management has been prepared by Council for Mosman Bay and Little Sirius Cove Foreshore Reserves. This follows the enactment of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, which requires Councils to prepare plans of management for crown reserves under their control. A one month consultation program has helped inform development of the draft Plan. Council considered the draft document and resolved that the draft Mosman Bay and Little Sirius Cove Foreshore Reserves Plan of Management be publicly exhibited for a period of six weeks. A further report will be submitted to Council at the conclusion of the exhibition period.
Spofforth Street
North Sydney Council recently released plans for the intersection of Spofforth Street and Rangers Road which is on the boundary of the Mosman Council local government area as well as where Spofforth Street intersects with Holt Avenue and Florence Street. The plans included new roundabouts, movement of bus stops, pedestrian refuges and curb build-outs. Council resolved to consult with Mosman residents regarding some of the proposed changes but to take no further action on the roundabouts and the movement of the bus stops. Following the consultation process the matter will be reported to Council for further consideration.