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Council Decided – 3 October 2023 

Posted on Wednesday 4 October 2023

Complaints Register and Accolades 

Council received and noted a report detailing complaints and accolades received during 2022/23. 

Mosman Council had more than 200,000 interactions with customers during the year, from face-to-face enquiries to phone calls and emails. 

The organisation received 65 complaints and 188 accolades from customers who took the time to acknowledge and express appreciation of exceptional service. 

The Complaints Register and details of accolades are reported annually to Council. 

DCPs - Housekeeping and Adaptable/Universal Housing Amendments 

Council considered a report that outlined draft amendments to Mosman’s Development Control Plans (DCPs). 

These align with actions of Council’s endorsed Local Housing Strategy relating to adaptable housing and universal design, and include housekeeping amendments, to ensure the DCPs’ currency with NSW planning legislation and policy.  

The amendments aim to promote ongoing provision of adaptable housing to suit people with disabilities and more specific mobility needs, while increasing dwelling stock that incorporates universal design features to ensure dwellings are designed to be versatile, capable of easy and cost-effective adaptation and responsive to the changing needs of home occupants over their lifetimes. 

Requirements would apply to new mixed use and multiple dwelling development including attached dwellings, dual occupancies, multi dwelling housing or residential flat buildings. 

Council resolved to place the draft amendments to Mosman’s DCPs on public exhibition and to consider the matter again once the public exhibition period has concluded. 

Live Traffic Updates 

Mosman Council will use State Government website Live Traffic NSW to communicate major traffic issues and incidents to the public. 

Council received and noted a report highlighting that Mosman has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to publish information on incidents or major events that impact local roadways. This includes clearways, road closures and the impacts of special events such as New Year’s Eve celebrations or ANZAC Day ceremonies. 

The data will be available to the public via Live Traffic NSW and third-party apps such as Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze and TomTom. 

The project builds on work undertaken with Transport for NSW in the 2023 New Year period where the conditions entering and exiting Balmoral were broadcast.  

Planning Agreements Policy Review 

Council adopted a small number of administrative amendments to the Mosman Planning Agreements Policy, in alignment with a NSW Government practice note providing detailed guidance on the negotiation, administration and making of planning agreements. 

Council also resolved that Councillors are informed of any proposed planning agreement prior to it being finalised. 

Awning Safety Program 

Council received and noted a report outlining the progress of the Mosman Awning Safety Program, which works to raise awareness with building owners of the need to monitor the safety of awnings over public lands, such as footpaths, to minimise future risks of collapse.  

The program, first implemented in 2013, involves periodically developing an inventory of awnings in Mosman and writing to each awning owner requesting an engineering certification to the awning’s safety and condition.  

Building compliance staff review the information and undertake any necessary follow-up.  

The most recent round of requests was initiated in 2022 and the inventory is due for completion at the end of 2023. The program is scheduled to be undertaken again in 2027/28. 

Management of Open Space Policy 

Council considered a report on a draft Management of Open Spaces Policy, which consolidates four existing policies used to manage open space but does not alter any current policy direction. 

Mosman has a network of open space areas that serve as locations for various forms of passive recreation for all age groups. 

The draft policy continues to ensure the provision of safe and quality open space areas (including beaches) utilising available resources for the benefit and use of Mosman residents and visitors alike. 

Council resolved to place the draft policy on public exhibition, with the results of community consultation presented at a subsequent meeting.